
About Me

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I live in Dallas, my brother and his family live in Iowa, my parents live in Eastern Europe...home is pretty much wherever I am.

Friday, February 4, 2011

The Freeze

Once again I am reminded of why people make fun of Texas weather. Last week I was sporting shorts and a tshirt, now I am bundled up inside with hot coffee while the rest of DBU campus is covered by a sheet of ice followed by a foot of snow!
I remember as a kid the joys of Texas snow, it was rare but when it happened snowmen usually lined the street, granted by the time you would finish building your snowman the rest of the yard was grass again. A snow day on a college campus, especially one as secluded as DBU, is nothing short of boring. I woke up Tuesday to ice covering the ground, literally...the soccer field was a sheet of ice! The week has been filled with hot tea, movies, sledding, snow ice cream, and exciting treks to the cafe for dinner because someone failed to warn us we would be stuck on campus all week and my healthy diet can only get me so far. Since I haven't posted a blog in...months, I wanted to write something deep and meaningful, something that causes chills and tears when you read it but my mind can't shake the humor of this week, beginning with Wednesday. I rose at 9:30 to go to chapel because we were bribed with two chapel credits to go (I'm pretty sure we are given extra chapel credits at the end of the semester for days like this) The rest of the day was spent making pancakes and watching "friends" with an apartment of girls, but the fun began after dinner when my roommate appears with a giant orange sled (if you knew my roommates this wouldn't seem strange that she just happens to have a sled in her closet) of course the small hill outside our apartment isn't big enough so we decide to go to the largest hill on campus. Need I remind you, with no adults on campus, there is no voice of reason. It was about 11 o clock at this point and we were flying down the icy tundra which lead straight for the pond. Fortunately none of us were brave enough to see just how far we can go so we begin breaking half way down the hill, still screaming our heads off with the small fear that our legs just won't cut it as breaks. The story really just keeps going considering last night we were out til two and security guards were rounding people to dorms and apartments. I'm usually not one who writes blogs based on her day but i promise this won't be a reoccurring theme, it just seemed like an appropriate circumstance. I'd bet only two or three people read this but if anything I know my parents will appreciate it considering the joy I had in reading theirs but Ill save matters of that sort for my next blog which may not be til December with the rate I post. I don't even know how to end a blog, i feel like I should have some trade mark saying...over an out...til next time...I'll be back...well for now I will just keep it simple.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Concerning Hobbits

I made a list not to long ago of things I want to accomplish. Some fun, some challenging, and some are pretty stupid, which is why I refuse to show anyone this list as a whole. I'll share my dreams as I go. Mainly because I don't want any realistic people, or pessimists, telling me that I can't, or to think realistically. I hate it when I have this great idea, or something I want to do and it's abruptly shot down. or worse when I want something but that something is not what everyone else does so it can't be good. I always though conforming was a bad thing but then there's the most popular, "just go with the flow." Well all this to say, I am in the middle of one of my items on this list. Number One...Learn to play the piano. As a Tullos I feel at a lose when nothing musical comes out of me. I love music but to make it takes you to a whole new level. Thus far I have learned my first complete song...Joyful Joyful, the formal name would be Ode to Joy but my biggest challenge has been playing with two hands, it's so stinking hard. So today I sit down and begin my piano lesson online and have this sudden urge to play "Concerning Hobbits," yes it's Lord of the Rings. I get on youtube and realize this is not a simple song. I can play the first ehh 4 seconds of it but then I really get a encouragement booster when I click to hear the eleven year old play it. All I can think is that it's my parents fault for never forcing me to piano lessons as a child, just like ballet. Although my senior year I almost attempted the ballet thing but quickly realized I was definitely too late on that one. I crossed it off the list.